梅兰竹菊是中国艺术作品中常见的主题,象征着清高拔俗的情趣、正直的气节、虚心的品质和纯洁的感情,享有花中“四君子”美誉。梅花的孤傲正直,兰花的淡雅幽香,竹子的高清坚贞,菊花的高贵脱俗,也是古往今来正人君子的气质凝结和精神寄托。 FOUR FLOWERS of HONOR The plum blossom, orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum are the familiar motif in the Chinese art. The unyielding and fortitudinous plum blossom, the simple and elegant orchid, the lofty and firmly bamboo, and the noblest and royal chrysanthemum are named as FOUR FLOWERS of HONOR. These so-called merits express the temperaments and spirits of men of honor.